Time Stamp Control

Note: Duration settings do not affect previewing, they affect stamping only.

Tip: Press and hold the left mouse button on these buttons to continuously move the stamp. The longer the button is pressed, the faster the movement will be.

Note: x is the horizontal distance from the left edge of the video frame to the left edge of the stamp, y is the vertical distances from the top edge of the video frame to the top edge of the stamp.

21:50:38 HH:MM:SS 24-hour mode, hour has no leading zero.
21:50HH:MM 24-hour mode, hour has no leading zero.
9:50:38pmHH:MM:SSam/pm 12-hour mode, hour has no leading zero.
9:50pmHH:MMam/pm 12-hour mode, hour has no leading zero.
09:50:38HH:MM:SS 24-hour mode, hour has leading zero.
09:50HH:MM 24-hour mode, hour has leading zero.
09:50:38amHH:MM:SSam/pm 12-hour mode, hour has leading zero.
09:50amHH:MMam/pm 12-hour mode, hour has leading zero.
9:50:38:02HH:MM:SS:FF 24-hour mode plus frame number, hour has no leading zero.
09:50:38:02HH:MM:SS:FF 24-hour mode plus frame number, hour has leading zero.
9:50:38.200HH:MM:SS.mmm 24-hour mode plus millisecond, hour has no leading zero.
09:50:38.200HH:MM:SS.mmm 24-hour mode plus millisecond, hour has leading zero.
00:00:00:00HH:MM:SS:FF TCB (time code burn) format. The time code is that of the tape or generated by vATS, 00:00:00:00 being the first frame, 00:00:00:01 the second frame, etc., depending on the selection on the Preference page.
00:00:00HH:MM:SS Same as the TCB format, except frame number is not displayed.

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