Preference Dialog

This is useful if you traveled to a different time zone and took the video, but you forgot to adjust the clock of the camcorder. This option allows you to add/subtract years/months/days/hours/minutes/seconds to the time code on the file.

The adjustment ranges are: Years: [-50, 50], Months: [-11, 11], Days: [-16, 16], Hours: [-23, 23], Minutes: [-59, 59], Seconds: [-59, 59].

Check the first box to make the stamped file's creation time attribute as the first valid timecode of the file
Check the second box to make the stamped file's modification time attribute as the last valid timecode of the file
Check the third box to rename the stamped file to a new name and then specify the format of the new name.

Format codes for file name:

@N Original file name without .avi extension (e.g. testFile for original file name testFile.avi).
@F Date of the first frame of the file in the form of YYMMDD.
@f Time of the first frame of the file in the form of hhmmss.
@L Date of the last frame of the file in the form of YYMMDD.
@l Time of the last frame of the file in the form of hhmmss.

format original filename new filename
newFile-20@F-@f-@l oldfile.avi newFile-20041103-110812-152241.avi
@N-@F@f oldfile.avi oldfile-041103110812.avi
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